Reference Center's AI reference center was designed to support medical decision making based on the initial patient visit, subsequent screenings, and laboratory tests. This reduces the overall examination and diagnosing time and decreases the risk of diagnosis failures & misdiagnosis.'s AI reference center makes use of multiple AI alogrithms, provided by both and our partners.

Helps make treatment decisions
Reduces examination & diagnosing time
Guards against medical errors

“Nearly every American will experience a diagnostic error in their lifetime, sometimes with devastating consequences.”

—The National Academy of Medicine, IMPROVING DIAGNOSIS IN HEALTH CARE, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2015. Improving Diagnosis in Health Care. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.

To err is human
people affected by diagnostic errors annually in the US alone
$100 billion
potential annual savings by improving diagnoses accuracy & timeliness Reference Center
Mode of Operation

1. Send patient data
Medical practitioners send requests to the reference center
2. AI analysis & diagnosis
AI analyses request and provides diagnosis
3. Specialist verification
The platform routes the result for verification by a clinical specialist in the network